Analytical Chemistry I & II

Please note: These lectures are held in German.


Part I (529-0051-00L),  fall semester

Basics of organic and inorganic instrumental analysis. Introduction to the most important spectroscopical methods and their application to structure determination:

  • Mass spectrometry: Ionization methods, mass separation, isotope signals, rules of fragmentation, rearrangements.
  • NMR spectroscopy: Experimental basics, chemical shift, spin-spin coupling.
  • IR spectroscopy: harmonic oscillator, normal vibrations, coupled oscillating systems. Sample preparation, acquisition techniques, law of Lambert & Beer, interpretation of IR spectra. Raman spectroscopy.
  • UV/VIS spectroscopy: Basics, Interpretation of electron spectra. Circular dichroism (CD) und optical rotation dispersion (ORD).
  • Atomic absorption, emission, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy: Basics, sample preparation.

Part II (529-0058-00L), spring semester

Advanced concepts in  organic and inorganic instrumental analysis. Practical applications. Separation methods:

  • More complex NMR methods: Exchange phenomena, relaxation, nuclear Overhauser effect, multipulse and two-dimensonal NMR spectroscopy, shift reagents.
  • Chromatographic and electrophoretic separation methods: Basics, assessment of the quality of separatin, van-Deemter equation, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography (HPLC, ion chromatography, gel permeation, packing materials, gradient elution, retention index), electrophoresis, electroosmotic flow, zone electrophoresis, capillary electrophoresis, isoelectrical focussing, electrochromatography, 2d gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, field flow fractionation.
  • Atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, ICP-OES, ICP-MS.

Recommended Reading

  • R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H. M. Widmer (Eds.) Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998.
  • D. A. Skoog und J. J. Leary, Instrumentelle Analytik, Springer, Heidelberg, 1996.
  • M. Hesse, H. Meier, B. Zeeh, Spektroskopische Methoden in der organischen Chemie, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, Thieme, Stuttgart, 1995
  • E. Pretsch, P. Bühlmann, C. Affolter, M. Badertscher, Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer verbindungen, 4. Auflage, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001
  • Kläntschi N., Lienemann P., Richner P., Vonmont H: Elementanalytik. Instrumenteller Nachweis und Bestimmung von Elementen und deren Verbindungen. Spektrum Analytik, 1996.
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